Keyword search volume checker

Discover keyword search volume from Google Keyword Planner in any geo, any language

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The most accurate tool for checking Google search volume

Get results in a few seconds

  • Experience unmatched speed as our platform swiftly delivers keyword search volume data, ensuring you have the tools to craft an effective SEO strategy enriched with profound insights. Gain access to thousands of keyword searches in as little as 60 minutes, without any geographical or language limitations.

Enjoy total accuracy

  • Get real-time, precise data on keyword search volume with Rush Analytics’ keyword search platform. Our platform shows you the exact number of searches for any given keyword, allowing you to plan your SEO strategies with accuracy and effectiveness.

Exclude keywords that don’t matter

  • Streamline your results list by removing irrelevant phrases with the help of Rush Analytics’ intelligent tools. Our platform will exclusively include profit-generating keywords, increasing the likelihood of maximizing the returns from your SEO campaign.

How it works

In an ever-evolving SEO landscape, the key to overcoming promotional challenges lies in having an advanced keyword search volume checker at your disposal.

  • Choose Location and Language

    Check out search volume in any geo

  • Upload keywords

    Just provide your list of words and click ‘Start’. No need to work with tons of filters, proxies or captcha – search volume will be displayed instantly.

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What is a Keyword Search Volume Checker?

This is a sophisticated software that has been meticulously crafted to assess the search volume of specific words across Google and other search engines. This reliable tool not only provides insight into search patterns, but also plays a key role in helping webmasters tailor their content to users’ search behaviour, increasing the visibility of their websites.

What is Rush Analytics keyword research tool?

Rush Analytics’ keyword research tool is a versatile platform designed to assist SEO professionals in website promotion. It provides users by providing extensive data on the frequency of keyword queries on Google. Our tool aids website creators and entrepreneurs in evaluating the competitiveness of keywords, helping them identify which ones can be used to achieve better and faster promotion. With insights on search volumes and popularity, users can craft advanced SEO strategies to climb to the top of Google search results.

The volume metrics and other useful information offered by Rush Analytics enable users to adapt their development tactics to current trends seamlessly. This, in turn, boosts live search traffic and keeps them ahead of competitors. Any SEO professional looking to increase their website’s visibility and attract targeted search traffic will find numerous benefits in our tool.

What experts say about us

Roman Danaev Roman Danaev

After using Rush Analytics for a couple of months I can say it’s one of the best trackers on the market. It can check keywords positions very fast, even for 100k+ keywords. Great tool for your SEO needs.

Roman Danaev

CEO Healthplan
5,0 /5
Vadim Dolmenidis Vadim Dolmenidis

Rush Analytics is the most important SEO tool I use.
I like the rank tracker and the content optimizer the most, they provide me with real data that helps me catch up and overtake my competitors.

Vadim Dolmenidis

CEO Aktis Group
5,0 /5
Thomas Howell Thomas Howell

Using Rush Analytics as my all-in-one SEO tool has allowed me to save a significant amount of time on previously manual tasks through workflow automation. I also really appreciate getting the daily rank change updates so I can stay on top of the latest changes.

Thomas Howell

Actuate Media
5,0 /5
Jeffrey Morgan Jeffrey Morgan

The SERP API capability in Rush Analytics has been invaluable by streamlining how I gather and analyze search engine results. By unlocking more robust data collection, it’s given me an edge over the competition by uncovering opportunities that others may have missed.

Jeffrey Morgan

5,0 /5
Charlie Woods Charlie Woods

I’ve found Rush Analytics to be unparalleled in its combination of features and capabilities in a single SEO platform, while providing 100% accurate rank tracking data that I can fully rely on. With its unmatched speed in reporting the latest search visibility metrics, it has proven to be well worth the investment.

Charlie Woods

5,0 /5
Darrell Wright Darrell Wright

As someone overseeing SEO initiatives across a portfolio of sites, the custom dashboard rollups save me hours of manual reporting each week. Rush Analytics has the PBN analysis tools I need all in one place, with the lowest pricing I’ve found to access this enterprise-level feature set.

Darrell Wright

4,8 /5
James Davis James Davis

Using Rush Analytics’ rank tracking APIs and datasets, I have been able to unlock the full potential of my SEO testing by efficiently collecting accurate and up-to-date search results. This has accelerated my analysis to make faster, data-driven decisions.

James Davis

Right Here Interactive
4,9 /5
Charles Peters Charles Peters

The array of PBN tools available via Rush Analytics in one unified solution has given me tremendous time savings. I can seamlessly bridge gaps across disjointed SEO tasks to boost productivity and stay ahead of the competition in my niche.

Charles Peters

5,0 /5
Heather Burke Heather Burke

Switching to Rush Analytics gave me the all-in-one functionality I needed as an independent consultant without breaking the bank. Now I can show my clients tangible metrics and wins, and easily demonstrate the value SEO brings to small business owners.

Heather Burke

5,0 /5
Harold Bailey Harold Bailey

As someone who is very active in building niche sites and side projects, Rush Analytics has the exact mix of PBN analysis, rank tracking, and speed I need to efficiently accelerate growth. The pricing is also well within my solo entrepreneur budget.

Harold Bailey

TopOut Group
4,8 /5
Joan Nelson Joan Nelson

Using Rush Analytics gives me the peace of mind that every important SEO task and decision is based on the most current and 100% accurate data. This allows me to implement strategies with confidence, knowing that the metrics reflect current search visibility.

Joan Nelson

Web Choice
5,0 /5
Sharon Hughes Sharon Hughes

I’ve seen better SEO results across all of my client sites after switching to Rush Analytics and leveraging its consolidated set of must-have features for today’s practitioner in a single, fast solution.

Sharon Hughes

Workhorse Marketing
4,9 /5

Flexible pricing
to suit your needs

19 USD
  • Number of sites
  • Number of API threads
  • Guest access
49 USD
  • Number of sites
  • Number of API threads 1
  • Guest access
169 USD
  • Number of sites
  • Number of API threads 20
  • Guest access
Price for search volume *
  • 0,00055 USD for 1 keyword

Depending on the subscription plan *

Free keyword search tool vs Rush Analytics

What distinguishes any free keyword volume checker is its user-friendliness. With just two clicks, it’s incredibly easy to use—Google Keyword Planner is a prime example. This accessibility makes it a preferred choice among SEO experts looking to assess the volume of specific keywords. However, these platforms rely solely on relevant keyword search statistics sourced from Google Ads and Bing, offering no additional insights.

Rush Analytics goes beyond being a mere free keyword tool; our platform is designed to provide additional features and growth opportunities. Users get a complete view of their website’s performance and access additional data from sponsored searches on Google Ads. As a result, you can discover new keywords to boost your advertising efforts and get recommendations on how to get your site to the top of search results pages.

Finally, Rush Analytics serves as a one-stop-shop for discovering keywords and scrutinising your competitors’ SEO strategies. This equips you with a broader array of tools and insights than any free keyword checker or Google Ads account could ever offer.

How to do keyword research

Identifying the ideal keywords to target can be accomplished using a keyword planner, which also provides insights into the actual searches made by your target audience on Google. This knowledge can guide both your smaller-scale marketing plan and your content strategy.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to organize your keyword research using keyword research tools:

  • Step 1

    Compile a list of relevant topics and subjects based on your company’s expertise
    Before delving into search volume analysis, define the relevant keywords. Start by considering the broader subject areas you want to rank for. Create five to ten subject categories that are essential to your business, which will serve as a foundation for generating keyword ideas.

  • Step 2

    Categorize keywords within those topics
    Select keywords that align with the topic categories you’ve identified. Keyword research tools can help you identify key queries that are vital to ranking in search engine results pages, as these are what your target audience is likely to be searching for.

  • Step 3

    Balance head phrases and long-tail keywords in each category
    Head terms are typically one to three words long and are more generic, while long-tail keywords are longer phrases, usually containing three or more words with lower keyword search volume. To ensure a well-balanced keyword strategy that caters to both long-term goals and immediate successes, include a mix of head phrases and long-tail terms. Keep in mind that head phrases are often more competitive and challenging to rank for.

  • Step 4

    Consider user intent in keyword research
    Beyond the literal meaning of keywords, consider the searcher’s intent, which is critical to your ranking success. To understand intent, type the keyword directly into search engines and observe the types of results that appear. Make sure that the content you plan to create is closely aligned with the searcher’s intent.

  • Step 5

    Explore related keywords and phrases
    If you’re struggling to come up with additional keyword ideas related to a specific topic, look at the related search terms that appear when you enter a keyword into Google or other search engines. Google often provides related keyword suggestions at the bottom of search results. These related keywords can inspire new ideas for keywords to consider. Don’t forget to check the keyword search volume data for these related keywords.

  • Step 6

    Analyze the keyword rankings of your competitors
    While you don’t need to follow your competitors blindly, it’s essential to assess their keyword strategies. Just because a keyword is essential to your competitor doesn’t mean it’s significant for your business. However, if your competition is already ranking well for specific queries on your list, it makes sense to focus on improving your ranking for those keywords. Additionally, consider pursuing keywords that your competitors may not have optimized for; this can present opportunities to capture search traffic and gain market share.


Now that you have a list of keywords to incorporate into your content, analyze their search volume and make predictions about how your pages will rank. Remember that tools such as Rush Analytics can significantly improve and speed up the process of checking keyword search volume.

Get 7 days free trial access to all tools.

Pick the right keywords with bulk keyword search volume tool

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Step-by-step guide:

Create a task. Go to the “Search volume checker tab and click “Create a new task”:

Step one: Search engine and region

Here you must enter the task name (mandatory field). Then select the region:

Step two: Task settings

The default setting here is Search Volume. Go straight to the next step.

Step three: Keywords and Price

Upload the keywords. You may upload them in a list or through a file. The supported file formats are .xls and .xlsx. You must specify the column from which the data is to be taken and whether the first row is to be taken into account:

Enter negative words

If during collection the system encounters search suggestions containing negative words, such suggestions will be excluded from the list, and further collection of search suggestions on this line will not be performed. Negative word functionality helps you save your data collection budget and solves the problem of manually cleaning the semantic core.

Then press “Create new task”:

The task list page shows the status of the task.

You can track the process of data processing on the task page.

There are several types of statuses:

Queue – the data is not yet being collected.

Parsing – the counter shows how many keywords have been processed.

Ready – the option to download the .xlsx file appears next to it.

When the processing is complete, you can download the report

Keyword Search Volume FAQ

  • How do I find the search volume of certain words?

    Keyword planners such as Rush Analytics are essential tools for determining the search volume of specific words. They provide a list of the most frequently searched words related to your semantic field, complete with search volumes and competitiveness indicators. Using these platforms is as easy as 1-2-3: simply input your desired keywords into the checker and apply filters if necessary. Now you’re ready to optimize your content!

  • What is the search volume?

    Search volume represents how many times a particular word or phrase was searched on a search engine like Google within a specific time frame. Understanding search volume is essential if you want to attract an audience relevant to your niche, as it helps you identify which words to include in your content. High search volume indicates that you have the potential to attract more visitors to your website. Conversely, using unpopular keywords may not be beneficial because they may not resonate with the people you want to engage with.

  • How to discover keyword volumes on YouTube?

    YouTube itself doesn’t display this metric or rank searches by popularity. In this scenario, using an additional keyword search volume checker becomes essential. Alternatively, you can also use Google Keyword Planner to plan your content for YouTube. By knowing the popularity of keywords, both more and less popular ones, you can craft a more efficient video content strategy and attract more viewers to your YouTube channel.

Learn more about this tool by exploring our