Whois Domain Checker is a simple and effective tool for removing domains that are not available for registration.
Overall, the Whois tool saves a lot of time searching for the right domain, and money that would have been spent on further steps in NBP tools if occupied domains had not been removed.
Creating a task
1. Select the Whois domain checker from the left menu and click on it. Then, click on the button “Create a new task”:

The “Create Task” window will appear. Enter a name and go to the next step.
2. Task Settings. Select “Sort alphabetically” if required, and click on “Next step”:

3. Adding domains. Add the domains you want to check, each from a new line, without http:// and www. You can take the domains from the previous Webarchive domain search tool. The list of domains can also be uploaded using an Excel file:

To launch the task, click “Start task”, and in the window that appears, confirm the launch.
On the Whois mass domain checker list, you will see the task you have started and be able to track its status. The number of domains added and the date the task was created will also be shown. When the task is ready, there will be a link to download the report, and you can go to the task to view the results in the web interface.
In the results of the task, you will get a table in the format: Domain | Status, where you will see “Occupied” or “Available” domains for registration:

You can open the task settings, delete unnecessary domains or add new ones, then restart the task.