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Content Optimizer Guide

Edited October 28, 2024

    Content Optimizer is a tool that produces content briefs for copywriters to optimize the text of a document by analyzing the number of keywords and phrases in competitor documents that are ranked at the top of the Google search engine results. The Content Optimizer gives advice on SEO text and recommendations for keyword occurrences, which can be used as part of the content briefs. 

    The analysis starts with “Create New Task”:

    You can create an unlimited number of tasks on the listing (as many as your budget allows), categorise them by folders. The listing will also display cards of the last opened tasks (maximum 10).


    You will not be able to create a folder if any tasks are not created yet. You should have at least 1 task.

    Task settings

    1. Enter the name of the future task.
    2. Adding a URL. If the URL you want to analyse are available, you should fill this input with it
    3. Choosing device, Search Engine, region search and language. Choose the city for which you are optimizing the page for which you need a content brief. 

    The supported search engines are Yandex and Google in Russian and English. The Google SERP will not appear immediately; you need to wait until it is loaded.


    Main keyword – the main keyword responding to the user’s intent.

    Top 20 is collected by main URL only.

    Additional keywords – you can enter 10 keywords maximum . These can be keywords from the same cluster. 

    We do not collect the TOP on these keywords, otherwise the most important intent (the purpose of the user’s search query) is scattered. These are helper words.


    If you filled it all correctly then click Next and Start, check settings and cost of the task in the pop-up window. After you can open the interface of the task.

    The task view

    Click on the name of the task and the interface will open – there you can see different metrics.

    Let’s take a closer look.

    The graph: Keys in TOP

    Text Size tab – graph of the words count by competitors in the TOP 20 and the Occurrences count

    How informative is this graph.

    For example, you see that sites with articles for 1000 words are in the top, and sites after the 10th position – 500 words. So you realise that you need to write an article of 1000 words to get to the top.

    Words Cloud tab –  a words cloud for your site is on the left, a words cloud for your competitors is on the right. 

    This cloud is a frequency dictionary that also takes into account additional topic words and gives insight into which words are most commonly used by your competitors. This data can be downloaded.

    The Words tab – you’ll see a bar graph on it. These are the same words, but in the form of a chart. It allows you to understand more clearly the difference between your page and competitors’ pages in the top. There is a button to export this report.

    SERP results

    Below you can see the table of output results collected by main key

    It contains indicators such as:

    1. Position of the site 
    2. URL
    3. DR (Domain authority) – данная цифра показывает ссылочную массу конкретного домена
    4. Content Score – это показатели оценки качества текстовой оптимизации документа.
    5. Occurrences count of main keyword
    6. Text size – size of the main text

    You can decide which URL to keep for analysis, based on this data.

    For example, you will not be able to outrank a competitor who has a much higher DA,

    so you should choose sites similar to yourself (with similar DA) in terms of link index, number of hits, and so on.

    Each URL can be opened and get the structure of the page, which can then be copied and given to a copywriter to write the text.

    After defineding what URLs you leave – you can download the ToRs.

    As a result, the recommendations will be based on these URLs. If you choose the wrong competitors, you can always change the decision – choose other URLs and download the ToRs for them. 

    This will be free of charge – you pay only for the first launch of the task.

    This way you don’t have to create new tasks.

    It is possible to update the task (send it for re-analysis) or download HTML at any selected URL. At the same time, the data on competitors – the TOP list – is the same.

    To restart the task or download HTML, click the triplet:

    Report files and recommendations

    In the report, the first column contains the words and key phrases to be used or removed, and the following columns contain recommendations for the number of occurrences of these phrases in the various document areas of competitors, as well as in the page you are optimizing.

    The first column with the keyword is as follows:

    Important notes on occurrences of keywords (MUST READ!):

    In this report, in an easy-to-understand format for the SEO specialist and copywriter, only the content from “The difference between the top and your page” is displayed, i.e. recommendations, as well as additional words from the topic and examples of competitors’ Titles.

    This file contains the text that is from the “SEO-Text” zone of your page that you have submitted for analysis. This is useful for understanding which parts of your page the Analyzer is referring to in the “SEO-Text” zone so that it is clear where changes need to be made.

    A “standard” Excel report

    Task name and date of creation

    The URL of the page that you are analyzing

    Key phrases themselves

    They cannot be changed! (changing the order of words in the query, inflection, etc.)

    If keywords are specified in commas, you can use any of them (preferably different).

    Keywords on different lines do not overlap! For example, if the system recommends making 2 occurrences of “plastic windows” and 2 occurrences of “windows”, then the word “windows” will be repeated 4 times.

    Zone size in word count.

    Zone size in characters (approximate). It’s better to count the number of characters yourself, then multiply the number of words by the average word length in your topic.

    All occurrences are independent of each other and are not included in each other! For instance, if the system finds 3 occurrences of the word combination “plastic windows” and 2 occurrences of the word “windows”, then the word “windows” will be repeated 5 times in the text.

    All occurrences must not be placed side by side in the text, but only 2 or more words apart, or even better, in separate sentences. For example, if the system has found 1 occurrence of the word “plastic” and 1 occurrence of the word “windows” in the text, then they cannot be written as “plastic windows”! You can either write “plastic, wooden and aluminum windows”, or spread these words out in different sentences (the second option is preferable). You can write “plastic windows” together only if the system has given you this exact occurrence.

    All occurrences consisting of several (2 or more) words must not be separated by dots, exclamation marks, question marks (and other symbols that signify the end of a sentence)!

    It is forbidden to rearrange the words in any found occurrences and to change the word forms for occurrences if it is not explicitly stated in the system recommendations.

    Document zones in the report:

    “Competitor data from the top” (green) – occurrences defined by the top (benchmark).

    “Seo-text” – the main text of the page, the largest text block (commercial text or article body). Usually written by a copywriter, it carries a semantic core.

    “Text fragments” – small pieces (or fragments) of text. Usually have a service function. For example, product specifications on the shop listing, tables, addresses in the header or footer, or other text ‘bundling’.

    “Anchors for outbound links” – in this area all texts (anchors) of links placed on the page (outbound) – both external and internal are taken into account. Links in “noindex” are not counted, and links in “nofollow” are counted.

    “H1” – occurrences in the h1 tag.

    “Title” – occurrences in the title tag.

    Warning! The recommendations in the “H1” and “Title” zones are for reference only; do not rely on them! Title and H1 are highly recommended to be optimized manually!

    In the remaining columns the zone codes are the same:

    “Your page data” (blue) – the entries found on your page

    “Difference between the TOP and your page” (grey) – the difference between your page and the TOP, i.e. direct recommendations on how to change your page. If the number is positive, then this number of occurrences of this keyword must be added; if negative – removed.

    1b. On the sheet “Additional words from the subject” there are subject words and phrases from competitors’ texts (frequency N-grams). They can be used to create a Content Brief for the copywriter.

    1c. The sheet “Examples of competitor URLs and Title” contains examples of competitor Title tags and their page addresses to help you manually optimize these tags.

    “Report as Content Brief to copywriter” in Word format

    .TXT file (SEO text) – Example text of your page

    Attention! Tasks that have already been created can be re-analyzed. This allows you to check the changes on the page.

    Re-analyzing is free!

    Guidelines for bulk uploading tasks to the Content Optimizer

    For people who create 20-50 tasks every day in the Content Optimizer, we created a special Bulk Creation feature. It is available by clicking on the “Bulk task creation” button on the Content Optimizer tool listing:

    In the popup window, upload an Excel file with the specified tasks and click on the “Create Tasks” button:

    Upload file

    Let’s look in more detail at how to correctly prepare an upload file for batch creation in the Content Optimizer. The file looks as follows:

    We have deliberately separated the tasks in yellow to make them clearer. The arrows indicate the data that MUST be specified in the file in strict order, as shown in the screenshot. Let’s analyze the data in the table in detail:

    • Column A – the name of the task.
    • Column B – the official ID number (identifier) of the data collection region for Google. For example, 1023191
    •  in Google in New York. A complete list of Google IDs can be found here.
    • Column D – keywords for which you want to prepare a Content brief or optimize an existing page. Each keyword is on a new line. You can add a maximum of 10 keywords per task. The recommended number of keywords is 5.
    • Column I – the depth of the top 10, i.e. the number 10.
    • Column J – leave it by default.
    • Column K – Here you specify the search engine with which you will work, Yandex – Yandex, Google – google.
    • Column L – indicates country domain, e.g. .com.
    • Column M – indicates the language of the text analysis.
    • Column N – here you specify the URL of the page for analysis.

    There is nothing complicated here. You can always download a ready-made template; just substitute your own data and upload it to batch create tasks.

    After you click on “Create Tasks”, they will appear on the listing after a while and you will be able to track the status of each of them.

    Important: We recommend adding a maximum of 100 tasks per batch to increase data processing speed.

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