
An excerpt is a short summary or snippet of a longer article or blog post. It typically includes the main idea or highlights of the content without revealing everything. Readers see this brief section and decide whether they want to click through to read the entire piece. In many content management systems like WordPress, excerpts are displayed on your home page, category pages, or in RSS feeds.

Why Excerpts Matter  

  • Better User Experience: By offering a clear snapshot of what the article covers, readers can quickly judge if it’s relevant to them. This approach saves time and helps your audience find the most appropriate content.  
  • Improved Site Organization: When articles appear in lists or archives, the excerpt keeps the layout clean and avoids cluttering the page with entire posts.  
  • SEO Advantages: Although short, well-crafted excerpts can encourage people to stay on your site longer if they decide to read more. This user engagement can indirectly support your site’s search engine rankings.

How to Write an Effective Excerpt  

  1. Highlight Key Points: Make sure your excerpt conveys the topic of the article. Avoid unnecessary details.  
  2. Limit Length: Keep it short—roughly one or two short paragraphs. This length is enough to pique interest without overwhelming the reader.  
  3. Use Clear Language: Simple words and direct sentences make it easier for readers to understand what the post is about.  
  4. Avoid Revealing Everything: Prompt curiosity by leaving room for discovery in the main content.

Common Uses  

  • Homepage Summaries: Many websites display excerpts on their main page so users can skim multiple articles.  
  • RSS Feeds: Subscribers often see excerpts in their feed readers, helping them decide which posts to click.  
  • Search Functions: Some site search systems use excerpts to provide a brief medical on the results page.


An excerpt introduces the content of an article in a concise way. It improves site navigation, offers a better reading experience, and can potentially boost user engagement. By crafting thoughtful, relevant snippets, you guide visitors to the deeper content they are interested in exploring.