Keyword grouping: an in-depth guide on how to do it efficiently

George Rossoshansky
SEO Expert, Team Leader, Rush Academy Speaker George Rossoshansky

Keyword grouping is a vital step in optimizing content for SEO. Keyword clusters streamline your content strategy. They help you target specific topics well. This approach involves sorting related keywords into groups. This helps in making focused content that matches user intent. This is key for SEO beginners, marketers, or businessmen with little SEO knowledge. They need to master keyword grouping. It helps you make content that resonates with your audience. It also boosts your site’s search engine visibility. This guide will cover the basics of keyword grouping. It will give practical tips on how to do it efficiently. It will also help your SEO strategy.

How keyword grouping helps in SEO?

Keyword grouping is a strategic approach in SEO where related keywords are categorized into clusters. This comes from keyword research. It finds terms your target audience uses in search engines. These groups are then used to create more targeted and relevant content.


Keyword grouping aids in structuring your website more logically. Pages can be optimized for a set of closely related keywords, which enhances the site’s topical authority in the eyes of search engines. This strategy improves your odds of ranking higher for individual keywords. It also helps for the whole group of related terms.

In short, keyword grouping boosts SEO. It does this by enabling the creation of more relevant and rich content. It also improves website structure and boosts the site’s authority on topics. This, in turn, can lead to better search engine rankings and increased organic traffic.

How poor keyword grouping can impact your SEO results

When the keyword grouping approach is flawed, it leads to several negative consequences, directly impacting your website’s performance in search engine results.

  1. One of the main issues with inadequate keyword grouping is the creation of irrelevant or unfocused content. If keywords are grouped incorrectly, the content produced may not align well with user intent or specific queries. This misalignment can lead to lower search engine rankings. Search engines prioritize content that closely matches what users seek.
  2. Bad keyword grouping causes keyword cannibalization. In it, multiple pages on your site compete for the same keywords. This competition can confuse search engines. It lowers the ranking of both pages and hurts your SEO.
  3. Another consequence is the dilution of your site’s thematic relevance. Search engines reward sites that demonstrate expertise in a particular subject area. But, if your keyword sets are poorly organized, they scatter your thematic focus. This makes it harder to establish authority and trust in any specific domain.
  4. In addition, poor keyword grouping often results in a disjointed user experience. Visitors may struggle to find the information they need, leading to higher bounce rates and lower engagement levels. This affects user satisfaction. It also signals to search engines that your content is not meeting user needs. This hurts your SEO performance.

Poor grouping can lead to irrelevant content. It can cause keyword cannibalization, diluted thematic authority, and a bad user experience. These can greatly hurt your ability to attract and keep visitors.

How to do keyword grouping professionally

Good keyword involves organizing a list of many keywords into small, manageable groups. You can then use the groups to optimize web pages, blog posts, and other content. This process helps in improving the relevance and quality of your SEO efforts. Here’s a step-by-step guide to do keyword grouping professionally.

Step 1: Gather a Comprehensive List of Keywords

The first step is to make a full list of keywords. They should be relevant to your business or website. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, or Ahrefs to gather a broad range of keywords. Include a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords, and consider variations and synonyms. Make sure to include ‘seed keywords’. These are the main keywords closely related to your topics or products.

Read our guide on Keyword Research to do it perfectly.

Step 2: Analyze Search Volume and Competition

For each keyword, analyze the search volume and competition level. High-volume keywords are often more competitive. But, they can bring in lots of traffic if ranked. Low-volume keywords may be less competitive. They are easier to rank for and offer targeted traffic. This data can be found using Search Volume Checker.

Step 3: Identify User Intent

Categorize keywords based on if they are: informational (seeking information), navigational (looking for a specific website), transactional (ready to buy), or commercial (considering a purchase). Learn more about it in our Quick Guide to Understanding Search Intent.

Step 4: Group Keywords by Topic

Start grouping keywords by topic. Create clusters of keywords that cover a specific topic or theme. For instance, if you have a gardening website. You might have groups like ‘vegetable gardening’, ‘garden tools’, and ‘flower gardening’. Each group should contain keywords closely related to the specific topic.

Step 5: Use Keyword Grouping Tools

Consider using specialized keyword grouping tools such as our Keyword grouping tool. It will eliminate the risk of errors, simplify and speed up your keyword research. Our keyword grouper tool analyzes your list of keywords and automatically matches them to target URLs based on their relevance and purpose. It saves you hours of manual work, just look at the result on the screenshot below! By grouping similar keywords and matching them with users’ search intent, you can increase organic visibility and achieve better results.

More information can be found at, where you can learn methods for approaching keyword grouping, the full list of data provided, and how to effectively build keyword lists.

Step 6: Map Keywords to Content

Once you have your keyword groups, map them to specific pieces of content on your site. Each page or post should be optimized for a specific group of closely related keywords. This helps in creating more focused and relevant content for your audience.

Step 7: Optimize for Long-Tail Keywords

Within each group, pay special attention to long-tail keywords. These phrases are longer and more specific. They are less competitive and often have a clear user intent. Optimizing for long-tail keywords can be highly effective in attracting targeted traffic.

Step 8: Continuously Refine Your Keyword Groups

SEO is an ongoing process. Review and update your keyword groups often. Do this based on current trends, search patterns, and performance data. Add new keywords as they become relevant and remove those that are no longer effective.

Step 9: Monitor Performance and Adjust Strategy

Use analytics tools to monitor the performance of your keyword groups. With Rank Tracker, you can track metrics such as your website’s positions and those of your competitors in real-time search results. This data will show how well your grouped keywords are performing. By analyzing this information, you can understand which keyword groups drive traffic and conversions and which ones need improvement. Based on the insights gained, make necessary adjustments to your keyword groups and content strategy. Continuous monitoring and timely adaptation will allow you to optimize your SEO efforts and achieve better results.

Step 10: Integrate Keyword Groups in a Holistic SEO Strategy

Finally, ensure that your keyword grouping strategy aligns with your overall SEO strategy. This includes considering technical SEO, content quality, backlink profiles, and user experience.

Grouping keywords professionally requires attention to detail. It also requires a deep understanding of SEO. Follow these steps. They let you effectively implement keyword grouping in your SEO strategy. This leads to better search rankings, user experience, and, ultimately, higher conversion rates. Remember, SEO is dynamic, so continually adapt and refine your approach to stay ahead in the game.

Avoid these common mistakes

Good keyword grouping is key in SEO. It draws visitors and boosts rankings. However, several common mistakes can impede this process. Here’s a list of these mistakes and how to avoid them:

  1. Ignoring Long-Tail Keywords

🚩Mistake: Many often overlook long-tail keywords due to their lower search volumes.

How to Avoid: Recognize the value of long-tail keywords. They are less competitive and more specific, often leading to higher conversion rates. Ensure that your keyword groups include relevant long-tail keywords to target specific niches

  1. Overlooking Keyword Relevance

🚩Mistake: Grouping keywords together that aren’t closely related in meaning or user intent.

How to Avoid: Prioritize relevance when grouping keywords. Each group should contain keywords that are semantically related and cater to similar user intents. This ensures content alignment with the search queries.

  1. Neglecting User Intent

🚩Mistake: Not considering the intent behind search queries.

How to avoid: Analyze each keyword’s user intent. Figure out if it’s informational, navigational, transactional, or commercial. Group keywords accordingly. This will align your content with what users are searching for.

  1. Creating Too Broad or Too Narrow Groups

🚩Mistake: Keyword groups are too broad, not focused, or too narrow. This limits their effectiveness.

How to Avoid: Strike a balance. Ensure groups are broad. They should cover a topic well. But, they should also be focused enough to stay relevant. Avoid creating groups with too few keywords.

  1. Failing to Regularly Update Keyword Groups

🚩Mistake: Setting keyword groups and forgetting to revise them over time.

How to Avoid: SEO is dynamic. Review and update your keyword groups often. Do it based on new trends, data, and ideas. This keeps your content strategy aligned with current search behaviors.

  1. Not Using Keyword Research Tools Effectively 

🚩Mistake: Not leveraging the full potential of keyword research tools.

How to Avoid: Use keyword research tools well. They help find many keyword ideas, check search volumes, and gauge competition. These tools can provide valuable insights for effective grouping.

  1. Ignoring SEO Metrics

🚩Mistake: Not monitoring the performance of your keyword groups.

How to Avoid: Use SEO metrics to track how well your keyword groups are performing. Look at traffic, rankings, and conversion rates. Adjust your groups and content strategy accordingly.

Avoiding these mistakes in keyword grouping can greatly boost your SEO strategy. By focusing on relevance and user intent and making regular updates. By using keyword research tools and SEO metrics well. You can create focused, well-optimized groups. They attract and engage visitors better.

Use Rush Analytics to Determine Your Keyword Clusters

Rush Analytics offers a smart Keyword Grouper. It’s an automated tool for clustering keywords. This tool stands out in the competitive landscape of SEO tools due to its unique features and benefits.

  • Key Features and Benefits: Rush Analytics simplifies keyword grouping. It has an automated clustering tool. It uses advanced algorithms to analyze and group keywords, saving significant time and effort compared to manual grouping.
  • Text Distance Analysis: A standout feature of Rush Analytics is its text distance analysis. This technology examines the meaning of keywords. It ensures that clusters are based on both keyword and context.
  • Precision and Accuracy: The tool is precise in grouping keywords. It ensures that each cluster is highly relevant and focused. This accuracy is crucial for targeting specific audiences and improving content strategy.
  • Competitive Analysis: Rush Analytics shows how competitors group their keywords. This gives a strategic edge for understanding market trends and finding areas to optimize.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with user experience in mind, the tool is accessible to both SEO novices and experts. Its intuitive interface makes navigating and understanding keyword clusters straightforward.
  • Integration with Other SEO Tools: Rush Analytics’ Keyword Grouper integrates with other SEO tools. This enhances its usefulness in a broader SEO strategy.

Compared to other clustering tools, Rush Analytics offers a more nuanced way to group keywords. It emphasizes text distance analysis. It can glean insights from competitors. This gives it an edge. The mix of automation and precision makes it valuable. It’s for anyone looking to enhance their keyword clustering efforts and save hours of manual work.

And after that? How to build your content according to grouped keywords

After you’ve grouped your keywords with a tool, the next step is to use these groups in your content strategy. Here’s how to create content that effectively aligns with your grouped keywords:

  1. Identify the Target Keyword for Each Group

For each keyword cluster, identify a primary ‘target keyword’. This should be a keyword with a good balance of high search volume and relevance to the topic of the cluster. It will serve as the focal point around which your content is built.

  1. Understand the Search Intent

Before creating content, understand the search intent behind each keyword group. Is the audience seeking information? Or are they trying to buy something or find a service? Align your content to fulfill this intent.

  1. Develop Topic Ideas

Use the keyword clusters to generate topic ideas for your content. Each group should inspire specific topics that cover the range of keywords included. Ensure that these topics are relevant and interesting to your target audience.

  1. Optimize Content for Keywords

Incorporate the keywords from each cluster naturally into your content. The main keyword should feature prominently. It should be in the title, headings, and first paragraph. Use the other keywords in the cluster throughout the content to reinforce the topic.

  1. Use for PPC Campaigns

Keyword clusters are not just for organic content. Use them to create targeted Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns. Tailor your ad groups to these clusters. This can improve your ads’ relevance and performance.

  1. Monitor and Adjust

After publishing your content, monitor its performance. Are you ranking for the target keywords? Is the content attracting the intended audience? Use analytics to refine your approach and make adjustments as needed.

  1. Interlink Related Content

Use your keyword groups to guide internal linking strategies. Link related content within the same keyword cluster. This will enhance user engagement and reinforce topic relevance to search engines.


Creating content for grouped keywords needs a strategy. It starts with understanding the target keyword and search intent. Then, it moves to topic development, content optimization, and performance monitoring. Good keyword grouping can greatly boost the relevance and impact of your organic and paid search strategies.


  • Why cluster keywords?

    Clustering keywords helps organize and optimize content for search engines. It enhances relevance, improves search rankings, and aligns with user search intent, leading to better targeting and higher website traffic.
  • What is an example of a keyword group?

    An example of a keyword group could be for a bakery: “fresh bread,” “artisan loaves,” “gluten-free bread,” and “homemade bread.” This group targets various aspects of bread-related searches effectively.
  • How to do keyword grouping for SEO?

    For keyword grouping in SEO, first, research relevant keywords. Then, categorize them based on similarities in user intent or topic. Finally, use these groups to guide content creation, optimizing for each specific theme or intent.
  • How to group keywords into themes?

    To group keywords into themes, identify core topics relevant to your content or business. Then, cluster related keywords under these topics, ensuring they align with specific user intents or search queries. This aids in targeted content strategy.