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How to exclude a site from Google search

  • April 1, 2024
  • 6 min
exclude site from search

Google Search allows you to exclude unwanted websites from search results or from the entire Google index, so that no one can find a particular page from your site. You can do this by blocking specific domains, labeling sites, or removing personal information from results. Let’s see how to do it.

Ways to remove a website from Google search


⚡ The fastest way to exclude a website from Google search results is to use the “-site:” operator in your search. To exclude a domain, use “-site:example.com” in your search. Google will then remove all pages from that site​ in the results. 

For instance,​ if you search for “SEO tips -site:example.com”, you’ll see SEO-related pages from all websites except “example.com”.

That’s the short answer to your question. But if you want to know more about Google’s extended search, read on! It covers extended search techniques and tricks for refining your Google searches.

How to exclude your website from Google search?

To block websites​ or remove​ a webpage from Google search results,​ a simple solution​ is​ to add​ a specific HTML code called​ a meta tag​ to the page. This tag tells search engines not​ to index the content.

Here’s how​ to​ do it:

  1. Open the webpage’s HTML code
  2. Locate the <head> section
  3. Add the following meta tag:
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">

The “noindex” value instructs search engines​ to exclude the page from their index. Once the tag​ is added​ to a specific page, the changes should​ be saved and the updated page published.

It’s important​ to note that while this method​ is effective, it’s not foolproof. Search engines may still index the page​ if other websites link​ to it.

In addition to using the noindex meta tag, another option is to use the Disallow directive in the robots.txt file. However, it is not recommended to use this approach. The rules in the robots.txt file are not suggestions, but strict rules for search engine robots. However, these rules do not govern the indexing process, but rather the process of crawling web pages. Consequently, search engines can index pages covered by robots.txt without crawling their content. In contrast, a robot’s meta tag with a noindex value prevents pages from being indexed but does not prevent them from being crawled. This means that search robots can crawl the pages but will not include them in the search index.

check the indexation

After doing this, make sure that your site or page is no longer in Google’s index. Use the Index checker to find out if the page is still indexed or not.

For​ a more secure solution, consider these alternatives:

  • Removing the page entirely from the website
  • Adding password protection​ to restrict access

These options make sure that the content remains private and inaccessible​ to other search engines.

Using these techniques wisely helps keep​ a website’s integrity.​ It also keeps specific webpages secret.


Here is a list of all the Google search operators and commands for a really deep and professional search.

Why exclude certain search results in Google

As​ a website owner​ or digital marketer, you may wonder why you should​ be how​ to exclude a site from Google search some sites from Google search. There are several reasons​ to refine your search results.

Refine Search Results

To obtain more precise search results, you have the option to filter out websites that are not relevant. This approach enables you to acquire information with accuracy.

As an illustration, if your search query is “yoga mats” but you wish to omit any results originating from “amazon.com”, you can input “yoga mats -site:amazon.com” into the search bar.

Exclude Duplicates

When you’re looking for specific information. And you have already visited a website in your search results. Excluding the name of that particular website can help you avoid seeing duplicate results and save time.

For example, if you’ve already read an article about “keto diet” on “healthline.com”, you can exclude it by searching: “keto diet -site:healthline.com”.

Research a Different Perspective

When researching a topic, omitting areas you have already come across can provide new insights and help discover additional information.

For example if you are researching “climate change” and have already read articles from “nasa.gov” try searching “climate change -site:nasa.gov”

This will filter out the results from that site and you may find other sources and perspectives you hadn’t thought of.

Monitor Featured Snippets

By omitting the current Featured Snippet website, you can see which domain might take its place. This technique also enables you to monitor any alterations to the snippet as time progresses.

For instance, if “wikipedia.org” presently holds the featured snippet for the query “Albert Einstein”, you can refine your search to “Albert Einstein -site:wikipedia.org”.

This change to the search query will show Google’s results without Wikipedia. It lets you see which site could take the featured snippet role.

Monitor SERP Features

You can exclude certain domains from search results. These domains appear in specific SERP features, like featured snippets or image results. Excluding them lets you track changes in these features. This approach allows you to assess how these alterations impact your search rankings.

For instance, if you want to track the image results for the query “iPhone 13” while omitting any images sourced from “apple.com”, you can modify your search to “iPhone 13 -site:apple.com”.

This improved query will show the image results without content from the official Apple website. It lets you see any changes in the image rankings. You can also see which other domains appear in the SERP features for this search term.

Analyze Search Engine Rankings

To better grasp the competitive landscape, it’s beneficial to omit the leading websites for the keywords you’re targeting. This approach also reveals which websites have the potential to rank for those keywords going forward.

As an illustration, if you want to examine the search results for “running shoes” while excluding “nike.com”, you can use the query “running shoes -site:nike.com”.

Research Local Search Results

Filter out websites that are not local to your area. This will give you a clearer picture of the local search results for your keywords.

For example, if you’re looking for “pizza delivery” in New York but want to exclude “dominos.com” results you can use this search query: “pizza delivery New York -site:dominos.com”

Track Brand Mentions

To monitor mentions of your brand on other websites and your online reputation, exclude sites you own or manage from your search results.

For example if you want to track mentions of “Microsoft” but not from “microsoft.com”, use this search operator: “Microsoft -microsoft.com”

Assess keyword targeting

Omit websites that focus on specific keywords to gain a better understanding of the search engine results for those particular terms. This approach can also help you identify opportunities for your own website’s growth.

For instance, when assessing keyword targeting for “organic skincare”, instead of excluding sites like “sephora.fr”, use the search query “organic skincare -site:sephora.fr”.

Monitor Search Result Fluctuations

Filter out websites with fluctuating search rankings. This will let you monitor shifts in search queries. You can then see how they might impact your online visibility.

For instance, to track changes for the term “travel destinations” while excluding “tripadvisor.com”, employ a search technique. The search query should be formatted as follows: “travel destinations -site:tripadvisor.com”.

How to check if your site is still in Google index

To check if your site is still in Google’s index, you can follow these steps:

1. Use the “site:” Operator in Google Search

Go to Google and enter the following command:


Replace yourdomain.com with your actual domain name. This will show all the pages from your site that are currently indexed by Google. If no results are shown, it means your site might not be indexed.

2. Google Search Console

  • Sign in to Google Search Console.
  • If you haven’t already, verify your site in Search Console.
  • Once verified, go to the “Coverage” report. This section shows which of your pages are indexed, excluded, or encountering errors.
  • You can also use the URL Inspection Tool to check if a specific page is indexed.

3. Use tools to check in bulk

If you need to check if your website or individual pages of your website are indexed by Google, use our Google Index Checker tool. It has the functionality to help webmasters and SEO professionals identify indexed URLs, detect problems, monitor indexing progress, improve SEO performance and the lowest price on the market and the first 7 days are free so you can evaluate all the features of this tool and our other tools.

Final takeaway

Using the techniques covered in this article, you gain complete control over the content of your Google search results. You can restrict access to certain sites, exclude irrelevant pages, and refine queries for more targeted information retrieval. Blocking some resources helps you find the necessary information faster, increases productivity by eliminating distractions and saves time. Apply these tips and recommendations to manage your Google search experience as you see fit!


  • Are there any tricks I can use when searching on Google?

    Yes there are. Try extended search options to block sites or operators. For example you can use a hyphen to exclude words, an asterisk as a wildcard or quotation marks for an exact match. These help to refine extended search results and find what you’re looking for quicker.

  • How do I stop a website from showing up in Google search?

    Open the webpage’s HTML code. Locate the <head> section. Add the following meta tag: <meta name=”robots” content=”noindex”>

    The “noindex” value instructs search engines to exclude the page from their index. Once the tag is added to a specific page, the changes should be saved and the updated page published.

  • How do I remove a domain from Google search?

    You can remove an entire domain from Google search using the “-site:” operator. Just add -site:domain.com to your search. For example, searching for “smartphones -site:samsung.com” will show results about top smartphones. It will not show any pages from samsung.com.

  • How do you get content off Google?

    To remove a specific site, page or piece of content from Google search results you can use the “-inurl:” operator followed by the exact URL. Or try the “-intitle:” operator to exclude pages with certain words in the title. If that doesn’t work you can submit a formal request to Google to remove personal info or copyrighted material.

George Rossoshansky
SEO Expert, Team Leader, Rush Academy Speaker George Rossoshansky
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